About Kasane Kazungula Redevelopment Project

The key aim of the Kasane/Kazungula project, is to transform a quiet urban area in north-east Botswana with a population of less than 20,000 into a Sustainable Tourism Destination offering a high-quality range of attractions and activities not entirely dependent on wildlife.


Three (3) key activities underpin this project;


  1. Diversification of the tourism product offering in the area in order to increase the average length of stay and attract new markets;
  2. Creation of new urban tourism concessions to support tourism land ownership by citizens in prime tourism areas; and;
  3. Upgrading of riverfront infrastructure in the area to make it attractive as a place to do business, live and visit.

Kasane/Kazungula Tourism Development Master Plan

The Kasane/Kazungula Tourism Development Master Plan, 2022-2032 aims to establish Kasane/Kazungula as a major international and domestic tourism hub, while at the same time helping to diversify Botswana’s tourism product. The Master Plan presents a detailed ten-year development strategy that lays the essential foundations for Kasane-Kazungula to become a thriving and sustainable tourism hub, to the benefit both the tourism sector and the local community. Further information is available on the Kasane/Kazungula Tourism Development Master Plan, 2022-2032

Chobe Brand Manual

The Chobe Brand is an iconographic identity for the Chobe area with an accompanying brand slogan ‘Chobe: It all happens here’ which is intended to celebrate Chobe’s natural features and inspire travel when used for marketing purposes. The Chobe Brand Manual is a guide to help users of the Chobe brand to keep the destination’s communication material consistent with set objectives. The information provided in the manual provides a solid foundation for the brand, while allowing for the artistic and creative flexibility needed to create high quality, visually stunning communication materials.

See Chobe Brand, 2022.


Kasane Kazungula Redevelopment Plan

The Kasane Kazungula Redevelopment Plan 2015 presents the spatial framework for redeveloping Kasane/Kazungula into a renowned tourism destination. Completed in 2015 by the Ministry of Lands and Water Affairs, it is a spatial interpretation of the Integrated Tourism Strategy 2012 which sought to guide the development of the new destination. See Kasane Kazungula Redevelopment Plan 2015.

Guidelines and Standards for Kasane/Kazungula Redevelopment Plan

These are a set of development protocols to guide developers, designers and planners on the desired design quality and sustainability of proposed development schemes for the Kasane/Kazungula area. The Guidelines provide best practice advice on the practical implementation of the policies contained in the Kasane Kazungula Redevelopment Plan. View the Guidelines and Standards for Kasane/Kazungula Redevelopment Plan.

Revised Hospital Layout – Kasane

The hospital layout is a spatial plan for the area between upper and lower Kasane making provision for a mix of land uses including commercial, residential, civic and tourism related uses. Significant civic proposals include a Government enclave and a new Hospital. See the Revised Hospital Layout.

Kananga Upgrading Plan

The layout plan was prepared to achieve the upgrading of Kananga into a Mixed-Use Precinct. The plan makes provision for a low density precinct intended for owner led redevelopment through relaxation of development controls. See the Kananga Upgrading Plan.

Precinct A Upgrading Plan

The upgrading plan for Precinct A, the Commercial Core of Kasane, reconfigures land earmarked for tourism development and provides servitudes for infrastructure servicing to maximize spatial performance. See the Precinct A Upgrading Plan.

Precinct B Upgrading Plan

The upgrading plan for Precinct B (Recreation, Leisure and Retail Core) is a spatial layout intended to upgrade the existing precinct to achieve a generous mix of retail, residential & recreation including the new iconic Kasane Waterfront, Stadium, Market and Kgaphamadi Commercial Zone to

complement existing lodges and residential developments. See the Precinct B Upgrading Plan

Old Kazungula Upgrading Plan

A layout plan for the residential area historically the original settlement area of Kazungula. Old Kazungula Upgrading Plan provides spaces for infrastructure upgrading to enable medical rescue, firefighting and municipal waste collection services. See the Old Kazungula Upgrading Plan.

Ferry Precinct Upgrading Plan

The layout plan upgrades the existing Ferry area into a mixed-use precinct by providing spaces for infrastructure provision. The area is intended to be a Low-density precinct with owner led redevelopment. See the Ferry Precinct Upgrading Plan.

Integrated Waste Management Plan

An Integrated Waste Management Plan identifies solutions for transforming the waste management sector in the Chobe area to safeguard public health and environmental protection. Further information is available on the Kasane/Kazungula Integrated Waste Management Plan, 2021.

Kasane/Kazungula GIS Web Portal

The Kasane/Kazungula GIS Portal is a compilation of spatial information for use by different interested stakeholders, made available online. This interactive web portal allows users to query essential spatial information related to the Redevelopment Plan. Further information is available on the GIS Web Portal (2D) and GIS Web Portal (3D).