Welcome to Parakarungu

The host village of the Murwa Liswaani cultural festival


Initially called Mbalakalungu, Parakarungu is the furthest enclave village from Kasane. This traditional village’s original inhabitants are the Vekuhane who are also commonly known as Basubiya, who are associated with Seperu.

Seperu Folk Dance

Singing, dancing and sacred rituals are significant in the life of the Vekuhane community. Seperu dance is a celebratory dance performed by the Vekuhane (Basubiya) to mark ceremonial occasions such as the coronation ceremony of a chief, birthdays, weddings, the harvest and the arrival of special guests.

Woman dancers wear a special bright multi-layered dress (mushishi) whose dance moves exposes the layers beneath as the woman swings her torso.

The male dancer who leads the dancers usually carries a flywhisk and the whistle. Forming a circle, the vocalists sing and clap hands while dancers perform.

Seperu folk dance & associated practices from Botswana have inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List of Intangible Heritage.  The List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding is composed of intangible heritage elements that concerned communities and State Parties consider require urgent measures to keep them alive.

Learn more at https://ich.unesco.org/en/USL/seperu-folkdance-and-associated-practices-01502

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2011 census

Labour Force

2011 census


2011 census