Welcome to Kachikau

Kachikau village is the last hold-out of Batawana.


Today Kachikau is the main settlement of Batawana who migrated to the Chobe after their chief Sekgoma Letsholathebe was deposed by the Colonial administration in 1907. After being imprisoned in Gaborone for five years without any charge in 1912 Sekgoma was released and allowed to settle in Chobe. There he was soon joined by many of his loyal followers who migrated from Tsau settling first at Kavimba and then Old Kachikau. They moved to present site in 1958 due to excessive flooding at the Old Kachikau.

Major Languages

2011 census

Labour Force

2011 census


2011 census

Old Kachikau Village

Old Kachikau had been established by Letsholathebe’s surviving sister, Motshabi. The village soon attracted colonial era traders – mostly of Greek Cypriot origin, who operated thriving businesses amongst the people of Chobe. It was also educational hub with Kachikau Central School attracting students from as far as present day Zambia. Old Kachikau been declared a national monument and is a major attraction.