Kasane Kazungula Revelopment Plan (KKRP) Background


The key aim of the Kasane/Kazungula Redevelopment project, is to transform the towns of Kasane and Kazungula into a thriving and sustainable tourism destination to benefit both the tourism sector and the local community. The redevelopment will offer a high-quality range of attractions and activities in addition to the existing safari product. The project will free up parts of the riverfront and create opportunities to better exploit the area’s tourism potential.

Three (3) key activities underpin this project;

  1. Diversification of the product offering in order to increase the average length of stay and attract new markets;

  2. Property relocations to release prime land for investment in new tourism products; and

  3. Improving the environment and infrastructure to make it attractive as a place to visit, live and do business. The townships of Kasane and Kazungula occupy a strategic position in north-eastern Botswana, at the junction of the Zambezi and Chobe Rivers, where they are the main gateway connecting Botswana to the rest of Africa. They are also at the heart of the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier (KAZA) conservation area. The two towns sit along a 14 kilometre shoreline of the beautiful Chobe River and adjoins Chobe National Park, home to the biggest concentration of elephants in Africa.