Important Information

If you’re travelling to Chobe, our travel advice and updates give you practical tips and useful information. Avoid non-essential travel. Covid-19 is still a threat, but with continued public health measures, vaccination and testing, it is possible to travel internationally. You will need to plan your travel carefully and there are risks. Travel restrictions are in place to protect public health and to mitigate the risk of new variants of COVID-19 entering the country.


English is an official language in Botswana. It is taught at schools, and is widely spoken in all urban centres. Even in rural areas, many local villagers (especially younger ones who have received schooling) will be able to converse in English. All guides and general staff in the camps, lodges and hotel have got a good command of English.

German, Italian and French translators are available on request – request through your travel operator or agent. When staying at a private camp or lodge, your guide will very often be able to introduce you to his or her friends and family, and will act as interpreter if necessary. Some amazing interaction with local people is possible, and more than likely to occur while on your trip to Botswana.

Botswana Covid-19 Travel Requirements

Air Travel

Air Botswana, Botswana’s national and only airline, provides international flights between Gaborone and Johannesburg, Gaborone and Harare, Maun and Johannesburg, Kasane and Johannesburg and Francistown and Johannesburg. Domestic flights run between Gaborone and Francistown, Maun and Kasane, and the airline has recently re-introduced its Maun to Kasane flight (three times per week).

Air Botswana Transportation to Chobe

Road Travel

Botswana is accessible by tarred road from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Namibia. Vehicles are driven on the left hand side of the road. A valid international driver’s license, along with vehicle registration documents, are required to drive in Botswana, and drivers should always carry them.

Plan Your Trip