Kazungula Bridge Tour

The Kazungula Bridge tour can be enjoyed on foot or on a boat.

The bridge tour can be enjoyed on foot or on a boat. The boat tour can be commenced to tie with the magnificent golden sunset, with guests enjoying the rocking boat as the sun sets on the west beneath the majestic bridge.

The Kazungula Bridge

The bridge is at the apex of the world famous quadripoint

which lies at the confluence of the Chobe and the Zambezi rivers.

The pontoon (ferry) that transported people and goods between Botswana and Zambia

for a longtime has recently been replaced by the iconic bridge.

A site, on the banks of the river on the western side of the bridge

has been earmarked for the construction of the freedom route monument.


Upcoming Event

Kazungula Bridge Marathon

The inaugural iconic Bridge Marathon is expected to impact and elevate both the economy and athletes’ status. The marathon that is expected to draw both athletes and tourists is the first of its kind in Botswana. The organisers were inspired by new Kazungula Bridge that is connecting Botswana and Zambia. The marathon which is Botswana Athletics Association (BAA) sanctioned has four categories. All the race categories will be run by both men and women or boys and girls, the categories are 42.2 km, 21.1 Km, 10 km fun run, and 5 km.