
Chobe basket weaving has been passed down from generation to generation

Chobe Basket Branding Project

An evolving basket weaving women’s group branding project on traditional baskets reached its second milestone during a workshop on February 25 and 26, 2020, in Kasane (Botswana). Bringing together 30 basket weavers from villages in Chobe District, the basket weavers successfully came to a consensus on the new cooperative and collective mark for the regional brand. The project, initiated by WIPO, in cooperation with the Japan Patent Office (JPO), the Companies and Intellectual Property Authority (CIPA) and the Department for Cooperative Development, Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI), has gained momentum since its kick-off event.

The knowledge of basket weaving has been passed down from mothers to daughters from generation to generation. The baskets are made from leaves of mokola palm trees (Hyphaene petersiana) which are native to the region. They are adorned with various patterns created by interweaving leaves colored with natural dye from indigenous plants.

The people of Chobe used to make baskets for home use, but nowadays, the baskets are available to tourists from around the world, who are attracted by the rich culture of this region.